Understanding Divorce:
A Divorce(d) Lawyer's Perspective
With over 16 years of experience as a divorce lawyer and personal insights from my own divorce, I understand the challenges of navigating the court system. Its rigid deadlines and public procedures make it a daunting process. Missing deadlines can jeopardize your case, and the required steps—from temporary hearings to extensive depositions—can make your journey not only costly but also uncomfortably public.
A Better Way Forward: Mediation +
Collaborative Practice
My approach focuses on what truly matters to you and your family. I focus my practice solely in mediation and collaborative practice, steering clear of lengthy and public court battles. By facilitating fair and honest negotiations, I help you achieve a successful, private settlement. This not only saves time and money but also ensures that your personal matters remain confidential.
Start Your Journey Toward Successful Settlement
Start your settlement journey with me, and experience the relief of bypassing the courtroom altogether.
I am dedicated to helping you achieve a Successful Settlement—efficiently, affordably, and privately.